Endless Paradigm

Full Version: God Eater CTF Theme for CFW 5.50
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This is my first time of creating a whole theme please check it out and sorry if it's not as good as the other themes out there.

[Image: godeater.jpg?t=1286865751]


Otomohanta 2ndG

and a big thank you to:
"ZiNgA BuRgA for the rcomage"
"patpat for the CTFtoolGUI"
"Malus for the click sounds"

and all xmb theme creators
nice theme dude! thanks for sharing.
awesome theme i love the small sparkles ^^
That looks pretty good.
Probably only criticism I have from the video is the context menus - the white background with white text can make reading it a little difficult at times (it also contrasts a bit with the background).
But still nice looking overall.
Looks pretty cool. Great work dood
wow this is an awesome theme man thax for sharing.
excellent theme man, really like the sparkly wave :P
Thanks for sharing.

edit: I converted it for 5.00 - http://www.mediafire.com/?w79o8nrdia06nsv
Nice theme :)
Thanks for sharing.
thanks for the awesome theme
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