Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [WIP] 6:20 TN (HEN) Kernel Exploit UPDATED [NEW VIDEO]
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This quote is translated from German to English:

Quote:Hi folks,
As the title suggests, I work at 6:20 TN (HEN). I have long found a kernel exploit, but never made it. Yesterday I started programming and I come forward very quickly.


- Reversed Systemctrl (30%)
- Added version Spoofer [6.20 TN (HEN)]

- Rebootex reverse engineered (Load systemctrl.prx successfully)

- Rebootex executable

[0/00/2010 I do not know anymore xD]
- Kernel Exploit founded

- Reverse Engineering & systemctrl vshctrl

I still have a week off, which I use in order to program, but after the holidays I have no time! I may from time to working on weekends, but I promise, 6.20 TN (HEN) will be released before Christmas

Why I work at 6:20 TN (HEN)?
6.20GEN-A is never released, so I'm working to make you happy

Will it go on the PSPGo?
Japanese, but I do not go, I have to borrow from someone.

Do you have any proof that you have a kernel exploit?
Yep, look even at this video.


New video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWQAiTdvd...r_embedded

Quote:The screen lights at the end of purple, which means that Rebootex was executed.

Source: PSPKing
*bsanehi thinks *FAKE*.

Edit: REAL
It can't be fake. If I recall correctly.. Total_Noob has done alot for the PSP scene so why would he want to fake that he's got a kernel exploit?
Wait a minute is This from Total_Noob?  Because the name of the guy on youtube is called PSPTotalNoob.......

If this is from Total_Noob its real......Yay
Looking forward to it. Nice catch by the way
W00t Total_Noob, you can do it!!!! Cut Sonys bawls off.
Do you have a source for this article?
My apologies, just added the source.
Total_Noob is PSPTotalNoob ???
double you tee eff??
I'm confused here, Diabelski.
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