Endless Paradigm

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[edit] er.... I decided to look into my brain alittle more and i could be remembering false info... I'm sure it's possible though...

[edit] I re-wrote my post to make more sense.

Here's my problem...


Music Sub-Folders can have cover art placed in them if you stick an image in the Sub-Folder labeled "cover"

[Image: 15g3vpj.jpg]
Music Subfolder icon

Photo Sub-Folders use the first image in the subfolder as cover art or you can use a PSCM.DAT in the Screenshot folder

[Image: 29kvrtc.jpg]
Regular subfolder icon

[Image: kcbdpy.jpg]
PSCM.DAT subfolder icon


Video Sub-Folders can have cover art aswell... but, I forget how to do it!

[Image: j9vpco.jpg]
^no cover art... (yet)

Please HELP! BowBowBowBowBowBowBow

tags: video icon folder image psp
Just name the image the same as the video, except use the .jpg extension.    ;)
uh i meant the image for the folder... :/
[Image: ick08j.jpg]

not the image for the video...
[Image: 1nxrlz.jpg]

I used to do it but I haven't stuck any videos on here for awhile so i can't recall how to add those images...

Actually it might be a .THM I think... How the hell do you make those again...

*Aspheric Googles...
.thm was a PNG or JPEG from memory, they were for the old MP4 style format.  JPEG works now.
If I recall correctly, I don't think either were for folders.  I think it's cover.jpg for the folder (at least in music).  IDK though.
ive never seen cover art for video folders :-/

why just don't change wallpaper?
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