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Full Version: Mobile Assault v1.4 Released
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Codetactics has released Mobile Assault v1.4.
Mobile Assault v1.4 is a homebrew game for cfw enabled PSPs that is very similar to the old Jungle Strike games for SEGA Genesis.

    * iPad support.
    * Retina display support (HD images).
    * New mobile artillery unit.
    * New menu and HUD textures.
    * 4 New missions.

    * ‘Instant Action’ randomly uses either grass or desert environments.
    * 5x faster database write speed.
    * The quantity of bonus objectives are declared to the player.

Bug Fixes
    * Fixed the scrolling issue with some menus.
    * Fixed bug where the dust kick from the M320 wouldn’t appear when at the highest rate of fire.
    * Fixed bug where not all in game messages were being displayed in the message log (iPhone)

[Image: zmtc8.gif]

Project Homepage: codetactics.com
Hm. This game looks cool, thanks for sharing Mr.Shizzy :)
I'm so confused, how can a psp game have ipad and retina display compatibility?
heli! ...

* boogschd tries
tis a very good homebrew.
Funnybutrandom Wrote: [ -> ]I'm so confused, how can a psp game have ipad and retina display compatibility?
The developer has an iPlayPhoneStationPadPortable, obviously.
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