for those who havent followed my shoutbox rants essentially upgrading to 5.5 gen rendered all my anime unplayable in an "incorrect format" or whatever... after recovering back to 5.0 M33 everything plays fine... I have a psp fat one of the first models ever and just thought this was interesting...
Did you upgrade to Prometheus? I did and my anime files stayed the same without any problems.
yeah... I've noticed this...
I don't download pre-converted anime anymore because of that...
convert it all myself now... ^^
(I use pspvc)
Can't say I noticed a difference, all my Animes still work on a PSP Slim 2000, 5.50 Prometheus 2. I either get them pre-converted or use Xilisoft PSP Video converter.
Lol, I told you in the shoutbox when you asked...
shoutbox Wrote:#891755 22/09/2010 09:18 PM Assassinator Thu, 12:20:24 - Slushba132 I updated to 5.5 gen and now my converted anime mp4 files are "unsupported" «--- Did you use some crappy old GEN version like GEN C?
#891756 22/09/2010 09:19 PM Assassinator GEN-C is known to have problems with 480x272 AVC videos. Go update to GEN-D (or Prometheus or just be like me and sit on M33).
Or if you don't believe me, read this...
edit: goddam word filter...
exactly what Assassinator said. They fixed the problem with AVC videos, and it works because ive been in that situation myself. I convert all my stuff with xvid4psp and it always turns out fine.
I was on gen D3... then I upped to prometheus 2 and it was still broken... now Im back on 5 m33-6... I convert all anime with xvid4psp 5 asp codec I think it is... might try upping straight to prometheus and if that doesn't work Ill take the media player engine prx files from M33 flash0 and replace the GEN ones but Im worried that will make a brick somehow any one know anything about mixing prx files? Oo
okay after messing with flash0 I discovered A. It is surprisingly hard to brick your psp and B. The media player engine and files have changed. One file mcore.prx went from about 80kb to 7.4kb. msvideo_main_plugin went from about 370kb to 320kb but on later firmware mp4avc.prx (name probably completely wrong) exists and takes about 40kb. Replacing mcore did nothing, while replacing msvideo gave me an unresponsive xmb after selecting memory stick under video... I want to believe this is the file I need. Anyway, for now Im back on 5.0 M33-6 because it plays my anime. I must say hell cats recovery flasher is a useful tool and I must express my frustration as I do all my work with psp filer and my memory. Maybe when Im ungrounded from the pc I can figure this out... until then 5.0 M33-6 for the win
Aspheric Wrote: [ -> ]yeah... I've noticed this...
I don't download pre-converted anime anymore because of that...
convert it all myself now... ^^
(I use pspvc)
The same but i use an old version of format factory.
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]I was on gen D3... then I upped to prometheus 2 and it was still broken... now Im back on 5 m33-6... I convert all anime with xvid4psp 5 asp codec I think it is... might try upping straight to prometheus and if that doesn't work Ill take the media player engine prx files from M33 flash0 and replace the GEN ones but Im worried that will make a brick somehow any one know anything about mixing prx files? Oo
Use AVC instead of ASP.
And yeah, GEN is poo poo like that. It also refuses to work properly on my PSP, get some stupid error which crashes my whole PSP when I connect the USB.