Endless Paradigm

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This is why whenever i play online on asian servers.....I always seem to lose.
My right hand probably functions around that fast when playing shumps.
i can at best manage...100+ apm
On SC1, I averaged about 140. On SC2, I average about 80. I don't really measure my apm on other games.
that's just. insane.

how does one measure his APM ? :/
found a tool but its for starcraft/wc3

i don't play that well on either games xD
I used BWChart back in SC1. SC2 provides it in replays. Dunno about other games. Warchart for WC3.
it's normal if you play a fighting game like tekken or blazblue.

actually, it's more intense, since wee are using frames for speed unit :P
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