Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Art of the Fortnight #2
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spoon im not in school anymore, so i have time for this. ill make one, but it won't be a poster. probably more wallpaper sized
ok ive started working on it. im going to work now, but give me 24 hours from this post and i will have my entry up.
Hmm...i give up, sorry. ^^'
awww... c'mon lunar!

i need someone to enter against...
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]^umm..okay...

[Image: kosmosu.png]


I don't have time to try again tonight unfortunately. But...I did a crappy job on this one. :[

well i just lost...

i need to shut up next time
I still don't feel like I did a good job. Withdrawing my entry.

I'll make another one tonight, or in the morning.
[Image: awating_connection____by_properbritish-d30ibj3.png]


something NOT anime related

shock horror

ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]something NOT anime related

shock horror

Good job. Itchingsmile
fudge i got nothing.

count me out on this one.

but i made an effort!!
[Image: kosmos.png]


At least it's better than the last one. Sorry kos-mos-chan, Uhh

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