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Full Version: FastPower v0.1
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Homebrew developer Test30 released a new plugin called FastPower. The purpose of this is to allow users to turn off their PlayStation Portable units or put it in standby mode with just one button press.

The program was created with the help of another coder vodkkaa. According to Test30, PSP owners can also activate FastPower while playing a game. Anyway, this is just the first release, and the coder mentioned that new features will be added in the next releases such as new button combinations.

FastPower v0.1 was tested with FW 3.40 OE-A but also works with FW 3.10, 3.30, and 3.40.

The applications comes with a Readme file so please be sure to read through that first. It has important information concerning instructions and other pertinent details.

FastPower v0.1 via QJ
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