Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Challenge] Sig Extending Fest!
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wwww i giggled for a wihile

yeah i will continue where Zinga Burga left off ^^;
or do you guys want to start a new one?
Kanatan Wrote: [ -> ]wwww i giggled for a wihile

yeah i will continue where Zinga Burga left off ^^;
or do you guys want to start a new one?

Let's continue with it lol
Super Idol Lunar-chan Wrote: [ -> ]
Kanatan Wrote: [ -> ]wwww i giggled for a wihile

yeah i will continue where Zinga Burga left off ^^;
or do you guys want to start a new one?

Let's continue with it lol

yeah why not. Bathing
tehee, gonna work on mine now then>w<)b!

cutting and align the current work first, it's a bit complicated >"<;

next time can all participants post a link (as in the small bottom part) and their work (that should include the previous entry's link) ? so all i need to do is cut off the entry before's link and voila ^^

everyone's up now, starting mine.
Kanatan Wrote: [ -> ]next time can all participants post a link (as in the small bottom part) and their work (that should include the previous entry's link) ? so all i need to do is cut off the entry before's link and voila ^^

Theres a problem with that though - my blend, for example, reached quite far into Lunars, I may as well have just uploaded only the whole thing. Same goes for Zingas modify..
>w<)b it's alright, i can handle that like i did with the two entries,
better than every time someone enter they have to crop a long long pic, as well as other problems might occur, :P
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
Kanatan Wrote: [ -> ]next time can all participants post a link (as in the small bottom part) and their work (that should include the previous entry's link) ? so all i need to do is cut off the entry before's link and voila ^^

Theres a problem with that though - my blend, for example, reached quite far into Lunars, I may as well have just uploaded only the whole thing. Same goes for Zingas modify..

really far♥
>"< sorry guys but I'll skip my turn here, really tired and have work early tomorrow TwT)つ
Kanatan Wrote: [ -> ]>"< sorry guys but I'll skip my turn here, really tired and have work early tomorrow TwT)つ

unexpected - can't handle the Burga eh? Lets see if Lunar-chan can do it.
okee I'll try something out
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