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Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]well you see, in chess the knight is actually the only piece that is allowed to move "through" or over other pieces, so it s actually possible

Yeah, but for black to be losing to just one knight while all the other pieces haven't even moved, I guess they want to show how retarted the black player really is.

Nevermind the chess look at her curves! They're unreal! Seriously ¬_¬
You'll know what's wrong with these screen shots if you actually watched this anime.
[Image: shot0013n.png]
[Image: shot0014zg.png]
^ Doesn't understand what's wrong...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]^ Doesn't understand what's wrong...

Budoko (was that the grape girl's name?) is a human in the first picture then in the next picture which happens a few seconds after, she's suddenly a can again.
/goes back to watch.

Haha, interesting, yeah, there's only 3 people after that shot.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Is this even possible?
[Image: shot0019p.png]

Yes it's possible.  No it'll never happen in any realistic situation.  You know, they should really try a bit harder and make it at least somewhat non-obvious.

Code Geass for example, has a lot of scenes with chess in it.  And even a lot of them don't stand up to close scrutiny, at least they look decently realistic on a normal watching.  And it will most likely pass the eyes of anyone who's not a serious chess player.  EDIT: Though Lelouche's famous talk about moving the king is completely bull...

Not the times where a player looses by a huge margin.  But that's for the benefit of ordinary viewers, normal people won't understand winning by a pawn or winning by position which happens very often with very high level players.

[Image: Chess.jpg]
which one is that anyways sparker?
Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo, it happens in episode 22.
lol. i was having issues finding it on the anime-list service i use.

but I'll watch that later
Interesting outfit...

By the way, this guy in the suit is from MBI
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