Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Non Medical Related Deaths, US vs Japan
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According to statistics (sourced from Wiki):

You are 119.8% more likely to kill yourself (suicide) in Japan, compared to the US.
You are 390.9% more likely to be killed by someone else (murdered) in US, compared to Japan.

Logical implications (my own speculation):
  • The Japanese blame themselves for things they don't like, whereas Americans prefer to blame others.
  • Japanese think they can end all their problems by removing themselves, whereas Americans think they can solve their issues by removing others who get in their way.
  • In USA, you die although you didn't want to, whereas in Japan, you die because you did want to
  • On the other hand, in Japan, you die suffering, whereas in the US, you die in a much better mood.
  • Japanese people hate themselves, more than Americans do.
  • Americans hate others (a lot) more than the Japanese.


Sources: 1, 2, 3
Just imagine a Japanese person living in Miami. They wouldn't stand a chance. Unless of course they were a coke baron.
sounds about right to be honest
To sum up, the Japanese are depressed and Americans are not. Then again, with intelligence comes mental problems and the most common mental problem is depression.
I'd heard similar statistics before, and it really doesn't surprise me...
dood, every monday morning at rush hour in Ueno station, chances are 70% you will see someone suicide. my friend saw one last week.
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]dood, every monday morning at rush hour in Ueno station, chances are 70% you will see someone suicide. my friend saw one last week.
I guess if it weren't for the economy, the country would install some of these...
Yup, that's pretty much how it is over here(US) lol
xero1 Wrote: [ -> ]To sum up, the Japanese are depressed and Americans are not.

Though I don't doubt the suicide stats of Japan, I find it hard to believe that's true, xero1.

Also, those stats make such an obvious point regarding the difference between Americans and Japanese I don't think I need to say it.
Maybe the traditions of seppuku are still being carried out?
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