Lunar, sorry it's taken me so long to give you an answer to your question, had some pretty serious computer issues to sort out.
Anyways, I'll allow collaborations this round. As for other rounds, I'll make a decision on that before round 2 starts.
Cyonix Wrote: [ -> ]Lunar, sorry it's taken me so long to give you an answer to your question, had some pretty serious computer issues to sort out.
Anyways, I'll allow collaborations this round. As for other rounds, I'll make a decision on that before round 2 starts.
okee~~ thanks cyonix^^
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]
Yu haz jus enraged meh.
prepare for thy death
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]
Yu haz jus enraged meh.
prepare for thy death
Woo entries! Nice work everyone! AOTF has been saved for another week @_@
May the voting commence soon~~
haha :D
skyy told me about it last night and i thought i might enter.
took about 2-3 hours with lots of spelling mistakes... ahaha (right proper?)
and i forgot to render it with full AA ... only 8 atm but I'll stick with it.
Doing mine as I type that, give me a maximum of 2 hours if that's okay, and ReeD you have a typo....
Isn't it supposed to be "You can't have light without dark to stick it in"?