by Xian Nox
[What is this?]
This is a simple tool to calculate the Name IDentifiers of functions. They are used to identify the imports/exports of a module.
This tool is licensed under the GNU GPL v3. You can therefore freely modify it to suit your needs. All you need are the Qt4 Libraries.
For Linux: copy the binary in the linux folder to the /home/username/bin. You can run it directly as well.
Versions for other platforms are not available yet. The source code should be fully portable, so anyone who wishes to publish a Windows/... compile is free to do so.
If you find any bugs or you think something can be done better, feel free to write me an email: <xian.nox[at]>
To m0skit0 for the encouragement.
news source: QJ Development Forum
Interesting. Since wee can decrypt 6.XX firmware and now properly handle the modules... Maybe wee're one step closer to a 6.XX cfw.
Hopefully someone compiles it for Windows.

Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully someone compiles it for Windows. 
Here you go, sorry for filesize - I'm too lazy to statically link all libraries >_>
It's built with Qt too, so a Windows build is pretty much a no-brainer...
But I don't think it'll be much use to anyone though.
Exactly. The ones who could use this tool probably know how to compile for themselves.
Zombie Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully someone compiles it for Windows. 
Here you go, sorry for filesize - I'm too lazy to statically link all libraries >_>
It's built with Qt too, so a Windows build is pretty much a no-brainer...
But I don't think it'll be much use to anyone though.
Thanks ZiNgA.
When I ran it, it said it needed mingwm10.dll to run. So I found that, and uploaded it for anyone interested.
Didn't ask me for that one... Then again, I didn't run a dependency check on it either...
Sorry about that.