Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSP Groove POC
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This is just a Proof Of Concept to show it might be possible to run PSGroove on your PSP

[Image: frmbuf001.jpg]

To be clear: IT DOESN'T WORK YET!
You can run this app on your PSP and it will show the screen above. You have to power off your PSP to exit the app.
So it doesn't do anything? It's a Hello World app?
More like a proof that you CAN "hello, world" thing.
a hello world app ?
for ofw ?
can't wait for a final version.how long do you think it's going to take to make?
So what? Very crappy POC? :|
More like a WIP (Work in Progress) than a POC,

Right now all they did was get it to look like a USB hub. It still needs to send the instructions.
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