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Full Version: [Wii] Priiloader 0.4 (rev78) Released
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[Image: Priiloader.png]

by Daco, phpgeek
Priiloader is a modded version of Preloader. just like preloader, Priiloader places itself in boot sequence before the system menu. by this priiloader has the ability to:

-patch memory just like StartPatch or Preloader. hacks.ini should be on the sd root(only once, they get copied to NAND) and can be found here.
-save wii from banner & other kinds of bricks that aren't ios/boot2/nand corruption related
-start something else than system menu on power up (a dol file, bootmii, homebrew channel)


        *  Added support of all versions of the EU/US system menus(JP/KR are untested)
        * New entrypoint. this means :

            * Old forwarders should work again
            * Many other memory related restrictions should be gone.

        * Added support for more usb hard drives
        * Added an option to ask for a password either when entering priiloader menu or doing autoboot. (NOTE : this -CAN- lock you out of your own wii. please be very careful with this)
        * Added a menu to list all installed Wiiware/VC titles and start one
        * Added a new magic word to force system menu to be started. (the word is "Pune")
        * Added an option to redirect Gecko output to the screen instead of to a USBGecko(NOTE: this slows down priiloader DRASTICLY)
        * Fixed loads of minor bugs

You will need the hacks.ini file for your Wii region/firmware !  You can get that, as well as other important info HERE

DOWNLOAD Priiloader 0.4 (rev78):
[Image: 30vorra.gif]

* Priiloader 0.5 Download Removed, because it contains a bug that bricks some Wii during installation !
YAY time to go of beta
Yes, and I got to say to anyone doing any hacking on their wii:
This is a must have !

This is fantastic brick protection against most bricks.
I use this and bootmii.

And especially for people who only have bootmii installed as an IOS, I can not stress enough that you should really install this!   It could save your wii from being this:

[Image: 2dcenwk.png]
aw man i just installed the 0.4 something on monday lol...guess i get to update again.  :)
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]aw man i just installed the 0.4 something on monday lol...guess i get to update again.  :)

Well, the author has labeled this release "Final", so you shouldn't have to update again   :p

* Priiloader 0.5 Download Removed, because it contains a bug that bricks some Wii during installation !

You can download Priiloader 0.4 rev78 in the first post.  That revision is stable.
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