03/09/2010, 01:59 AM
much awaited release finally 
Capcom revealed in this week's issue of Famitsu magazine that Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, the third game in what's become a million-selling PSP series in Japan, is hitting stores sooner than most folks expected.
The game is due out December 1 in the country for a price of 5800 yen, placing it well into the holiday shopping season for Japanese gamers -- who, if they're fans of the portable monster hunting genre, may find themselves scrambling for time and/or spending money in a few months. It'll come hot on the heels of Square Enix's Lord of Arcana (October 14), Namco Bandai's God Eater Burst (October 28), and Sega's Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity (sometime this winter), all inspired by the Monster Hunter series in one way or another. That's a lot of slaving dragons and such about to meet their doom, isn't it?
MHP3rd will be fully playable at the Tokyo Game Show starting September 16, so stay tuned for more coverage.
source: http://www.1up.com/news/monster-hunter-p...rd-hitting

Capcom revealed in this week's issue of Famitsu magazine that Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, the third game in what's become a million-selling PSP series in Japan, is hitting stores sooner than most folks expected.
The game is due out December 1 in the country for a price of 5800 yen, placing it well into the holiday shopping season for Japanese gamers -- who, if they're fans of the portable monster hunting genre, may find themselves scrambling for time and/or spending money in a few months. It'll come hot on the heels of Square Enix's Lord of Arcana (October 14), Namco Bandai's God Eater Burst (October 28), and Sega's Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity (sometime this winter), all inspired by the Monster Hunter series in one way or another. That's a lot of slaving dragons and such about to meet their doom, isn't it?
MHP3rd will be fully playable at the Tokyo Game Show starting September 16, so stay tuned for more coverage.
source: http://www.1up.com/news/monster-hunter-p...rd-hitting