^ plausible?
any improvements? suggestions? ways to make it more unique?
and ideally a list of programs i could possibly need to use to make this theme possible.
this a pic you found proper? or an actual theme your working on?
i think it is posible,. but not 100% sure,. i have tested this with sub icons,.
its posible to move the sub text over x but not to sure about the icons,. moving over x
you have to edit the topmenu_plugin.rco with rcomage and you have to edit offsets in paf and or vshmain,..
this is more do-able>> the icon(music) in the right bottom corner place it right beneath the MS icon,. its very original i had nevar seen this(was an old idee for a theme i wanted to make) ;),. kinda see whot you did with the background pick and the icon,.. but have to be posible,.
Also you could build up a background out of different images wich you can animate,.. eg cut out forground of picture and replace at the same position then animate bigger>>original size>> bigger>> orginal size,.. liek a 3d effect,. or LBP idee,..
hope you will finish your theme ;) unlike me,. i am stuck with my theme,. kept changing to many things,. now i am bored,. might release unfinished, tseneda also helped me but i lost my themeing spark for this theme,. hehe,. anyway,..
Nice looks cool, I don't want to ruin you idea but I think the "k-on" will interfere with wallpapers ,but pretty simple and fresh
I think an issue would be:
- when entering submenus, the icons will move (and not be over her hands anymore)
- background too colourful, might obscure text...
Zombie Wrote: [ -> ]I think an issue would be:
- when entering submenus, the icons will move (and not be over her hands anymore)
- background too colourful, might obscure text...
i have another K-ON! theme here, when entering submenus for games and savedata the main icons just move off of the screen, surely that is a possibility?
Yeah, but where will the sub icons go? Say you're browsing music, do you want the active item to be over the hands? If so, the rest will obscure the background, and IDK if the text will work...
Had a go at moving the icons to see if its possible,
got it to work with RcoMage, HexWorkshop and some oversized PNG images.
Heres the CTF from my test hope it helps
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]any improvements? suggestions? ways to make it more unique?
I say get rid of the K-on logo,add some animations, and this theme will look awesome !
xXShadowCobraXx Wrote: [ -> ]Nice looks cool, I don't want to ruin you idea but I think the "k-on" will interfere with wallpapers ,but pretty simple and fresh
yup - right on
Zombie Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, but where will the sub icons go? Say you're browsing music, do you want the active item to be over the hands? If so, the rest will obscure the background, and IDK if the text will work...
ZinGa has some valid points here.
You may have to be happy with the main mneu looking like that, and then figuring out a different set up for your sub menus.
imwolfuk Wrote: [ -> ]Had a go at moving the icons to see if its possible,
got it to work with RcoMage, HexWorkshop and some oversized PNG images.
Heres the CTF from my test hope it helps
You had the same idea I did - which would solve some of the concerns V1 had. You can just use an over sized canvas, and move the image around the canvas to get your desired position. Just make sure you don't use too many resources doing this. (or icons ect will start to disappear.) Ways to handle that dilemma would be:
1) add dummy pics to system_plugin_fg.rco.
V1 figured this trick out. For some reason it will increase the amount of resources your allowed in vsh.
2) when you are saving your icons/images, choose the "save for web and devices" setting in Photoshop. This will reduce their final sizes.
Hope you decide to take this theme on - it looks like it would be great