Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Age Of Nations (RC1)
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[Image: 1282213627_shot6.jpg]
Developer: Roland Yonaba (SeanPaul223)
Project name: Age Of Nations (RC1)
Platform: PSP

Project description:
Age Of Nations is a basic Real Time Strategy game, entirely coded in LUA. It uses graphics from the Official PC Game Age of Empires.Actually, this is a work in progress.This release is just a release candidate to make an official entry to the NeoCoding Compo.It contains a tutorial Campaign, and a free-play scenario to discover the game features.
It has many interesting features, and the whole game engine was coded using object oriented patterns.

- Map Scrolling & Minimap
- Units creation, Pathfinding for single unit and grouped units moves.
- Build/Repair tasks
- Collecting ressources
- and many others features.

How to use:

All commands are fully detailled in the homebrew game itself while playing the tutorial campain.
Have a look at the README file provided for Menu commands.

Special Thanks:
Homemister for LuaPlayerHM
Fabrice Y. (for beta testing)
Philip S. (for material support)
Pleaser for Eboot Art
Seb,Geecko (on Devsgen Forums)
Shaolan, Sabbator (on XtreamLua Forums)

[Image: o888is.gif]

More Screenshots:
[Image: 1282213626_shot1.jpg]

[Image: 1282213626_shot3.jpg]

[Image: 1282213627_shot4.jpg]

[Image: 1282213627_shot5.jpg]
Official Release Thread: QJ Dev Forums
yes i got this awhile back, very impressive it is!

hoping for more releases fingers crossed they keep it going
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