Endless Paradigm

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I have heard people that want to know how to save space for music. This will help you use Sonicstage to save some memory space.

  1. Download the SonicStage installer. [Image: download.gif]
  2. Install and restart PC.
  3. Start program and import your music.
  4. Then transfer music use the 66kbps (Atrac) I use this great music quality and compresses the music.(I have confirmed this to work with 2.71 to 3.02 firmware)
  5. It take awhile to transfer 8mins for about 40 songs. You can also use this to make ATRAC CDS. You can fit alot of music on one CDs. I think around 500 on one cd but that might be out dated information. But the catch is that it will only work on CD players that can play Atrac format.

Well this might be a useless tutorial but it might help some one out. (I only did this to kill some time anyway....)
its cool I'm sure ppl aprciate it if not like it but its good for the newbies that's come up on forums and ask away without searching first

*edit for more e-pigs to afford a moon ;)
I converted few songs and placed it under PSP/MUSIC folder but it doesn't
shows up like it says "there are no tracks", i am using 3.10oe CF what could be the problem? though i can play mp3 songs can you please help.
You're not meant to place them there.  Use SonicStage to transfer the music.
i did as ya said but after few minutes it say "you need memory stick duo check your manual for detail"
and i have all the fake memory sticks lol is there any other way.

anyways thanks for help, i think i need to buy the original one to play this.
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