Endless Paradigm

Full Version: EveryBody's Golf (EU) Hello world ported by FrEdDy // Exploit for 6.30
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Hello World ported to EveryBody's Golf (EU) by FrEdDy for Fw 6.30/6.31.


source for more info...Yay
that's some nice swedish mafia porting! they had prob met at Lowlands festival,. ;p

anyway,. i liek to try this out,. no EG umd and no 630/631 ofw,.
source for more info ;)
Just tried it and i can confirm it works on the PSP-GO Yay

Great work to everybody involved, thanks.
Now if wee only could find a way the get the PS3 in service mode with the PSP, that would be nice Adore
bluewave Wrote: [ -> ]Just tried it and i can confirm it works on the PSP-GO Yay

Great work to everybody involved, thanks.
Now if wee only could find a way the get the PS3 in service mode with the PSP, that would be nice Adore

Hey there's an idea. Why not a PSP Homebrew app that can emulate the PSJailbreak? I don't see why it wouldnt be possible.
PSPkiller Wrote: [ -> ]
bluewave Wrote: [ -> ]Just tried it and i can confirm it works on the PSP-GO Yay

Great work to everybody involved, thanks.
Now if wee only could find a way the get the PS3 in service mode with the PSP, that would be nice Adore

Hey there's an idea. Why not a PSP Homebrew app that can emulate the PSJailbreak? I don't see why it wouldnt be possible.

Hoho I'd love to see that.
FreakAlchemist Wrote: [ -> ]
PSPkiller Wrote: [ -> ]
bluewave Wrote: [ -> ]Just tried it and i can confirm it works on the PSP-GO Yay

Great work to everybody involved, thanks.
Now if wee only could find a way the get the PS3 in service mode with the PSP, that would be nice Adore

Hey there's an idea. Why not a PSP Homebrew app that can emulate the PSJailbreak? I don't see why it wouldnt be possible.

Hoho I'd love to see that.

Before anyone does make it I patent the idea. Anyone can make it, I don;t care but you must all remember that it was me that thought it up!
ErikPshat Wrote: [ -> ]source for more info ;)

Ohh sorry Facepalm
now the link works =)
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