Do you disable the game's background music and play your own music whilst gaming?
I accept the music that the game puts on in the background.
If the music is boring then I wouldn't be playing the game.
Well usually do, but the ambient music in sc2 is good for background music; specially terran. So really, I guess it depends on the game.
I always listen to the game's music first, then listen to my own stuff >_>
For games (like WC2 -» DotA), I listen to my own music primarily because I'm bored of the same music over extended period. Else wise, its the in-game music.
completely depends on the game, the game might have a brilliant soundtrack so ill leave it be. Otherwise i mute it and put my own music on.
It depends. I only use the BG music of the game when I feel that I need to, but most of the time I don't.
Haven't listened to ingame music unless absolutely love the soundtrack in years. I remember combining my Dreamcast's visual input with my PS1's audio input, and playing CDs on my PS1 while I gamed on my Dreamcast/PS2. On Xbox, I remember getting so excited when DOA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball announced it would be one of the first few games to allow you to play your own music over the soundtracks. Ever since, if possible, I set my own mood for each genre of game.