Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]tiiiights


lol Hahaha
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]tiiiights


^this. Great work Cy.

thanks :D

by the way, has anybody found the message yet?

EDIT: oops, double post.....lol
i sense there isn't a message at all.
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]i sense there isn't a message at all.

there is, but so far everyone has been trying to find the message the WRONG WAY.

The image does contain a message, but not in the way you'd expect.

If you want to find the message, you'll need to download the image first...

Good stuff AND I found the message Itchingsmile

Hmm good luck to everyone!
Davis Wrote: [ -> ]Good stuff AND I found the message Itchingsmile

Hmm good luck to everyone!

Now that someone's managed to find the message, I guess I'll tell everyone else how to find it.

First, the message is NOT actually visible in the image.  Stare at it all you want, but you'll never find it that way.

You see, the message is contained within the image FILE.  While I said the message was hidden in the image, I never said how it was hidden.  To find the message, download the image and change its file extension from .png to .rar, you should be able to find it after that :)

For those who can't be bothered to try it themselves, the message simply reveals the start date for Art of the Fortnight #1, which will be announced as soon as I finish posting this.
found the messagez

i forgot to post i had lol
Pages: 1 2
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