Endless Paradigm

Full Version: need help with cwcheat menu btn & hex values
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so the SELECT button on my PSP stopped working for some reason

that's the default button to launch CWCheat

now ive found the documentation here

turns out . i just need to edit the INI file soze i can use a different button to launch the menu

so i found the value for the note button which is "0×00800000"

the INI file says "MENU BTN     = 0x1" , 0x1 being the hex value for SELECT

problem : the note button still won't launch it

i tried 0x8 , 0x008 , 0x00800000 , 0x800000

non of them worked Whyowhy

can anybody help me out? Ahaa

***INI file is not read-only , plugin is enabled , yes the note button works cause i can still mute the psp
sorry boogs im no good at hex editing :(

however if you can find a screwdriver you can probqably just fix the select button. Dust and poo poo is most likely stopping it from working properly, and psps are easy to get under and fix. I open mine on occasion to clean it and what not. You should give that a try.
MENU BTN     = 0x800000

Is the line from my ini file if note is selected....try copy pasting and see perhaps?
couldnt be assed to open it up anytime soon . thought ive done it before several times

call me lazy .. i am XD

already tried that roberth .. well at least i know itll work now ...

ima try restarting and stuff before making it work :p

thanks ^____________^
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