does anyone kno how 2 buy stuff from the japanese PS store?
i made a acount and stuff but i don't kno how 2 get money on it
either japanese credit card or japanese PSN card, which is what i use normally :P
were do i get the card from?
Im guessing Japan ~_~
Or you can buy them online, some of them will send you the code by email.
ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]Im guessing Japan ~_~
Or you can buy them online, some of them will send you the code by email.
if this is true then i need to buy a jp psn card
FreakAlchemist Wrote: [ -> ]ExBu Wrote: [ -> ]Im guessing Japan ~_~
Or you can buy them online, some of them will send you the code by email.
if this is true then i need to buy a jp psn card
What are you trying to buy ?

wen it comz out Hatsune Miku project diva 2nd, and .hack Link
ah but wouldn't it be better to buy a physical copy of PD2? the UMD looks cute :P
well i have a psp go and it would look gay if i had the umd