Endless Paradigm

Full Version: FastPower v0.1
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Test30 has made a new plugin called fastpower for FW 3.40 OE-A
it lets you SUSPEND your psp by the way of  L and R (at same time) and hard boot OFF (press select) seems a bit quicker than the old way dunno what happens if ya press select in game mode though,waste of time people? ;)
I'd probably say so.  It shouldn't be too hard to make such a thing.

I personally still use the switch - it's "weak" but meh.

I did make a little PRX to load homebrew from shortcut keys for myself though :P
Yeh, im not to keen on the whole switch thing mines got a bit loose ova time feels like its gonna drop off, prob cause i spend to much time in recovery! Feel free to share the homebrew PRX with us though pall :)
SCEP does a good job at restart, sleep, shut down.
Odd thing about my PRX is that it stuffs up PRXLauncher.  Dunno why - maybe cause the thread doesn't get terminated?  IDK how to do that.  I never really looked into coding homebrew.  Still not that interested, mainly cause I can't set up the PSP toolchain (such a big download).
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