Endless Paradigm

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How many songs you got in your library or whatever?

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I know it's not much. When I get an external HD, I'll be able to get a lot more.
this work pc has 5894 files @ 29.5GB
idk how much i got at home though
2945 songs
Got a friend with roughly around 60,000 songs. :\
Around 9.5k.
only about 500 on my pc and somewhere around 1,500 on my psp.  I like to save space and delete the songs that don't make me feel like i can listen to them on repeat
2857 @ 22GB....not that many compared to some people i expect, but then, im missing a load i'd like, and i don't have full albums in many cases, though i would rather
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essentially, Chipmusic + Alkaline Trio discography, Iron Maiden discography, and one album from each of How To Destroy Angels, Little Boots, Kings of Leon, Greeley Estates and Apocalyptica.

so not nearly everything I like.

and I have a lot of chipmusic.
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