Endless Paradigm

Full Version: CSPSP v1.7
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- v1.7 UPDATE-

Whoooooo, after a year and a half, I'm finally ready to release the latest version of CSPSP: 1.7! Sorry it took so long, but life was pretty busy for the past year or so. So, the greatest change in this version is that I stepped a bit away from the whole cs theme; the core gameplay is pretty much still exactly the same, but I've redone the menus and a lot of the graphics. In addition, I've worked a lot on fixing the network code, hopefully the online experience should be smoother than before (as always, I haven't tested it thoroughly, so I'm not guaranteeing anything. Overall, I've tried to make the game more polished by fixing those small little annoyances.

In addition, I would also like to introduce the new cspsp website. While many of you have probably already seen it, I'm officially opening it to everyone to use. It's still under development, so there might still be a few kinks to work out, but hopefully it'll be useful.

Anyways, I've already typed up a more complete listing of the updates in the readme, so I'll just let you read it for yourself:


  Redid graphical style and some layouts for menus
  Redid most of the graphics for the HUD (health bar, radar, buyzone, etc.)
  Redid a lot of the networking code (fixed some major bugs)
  Implemented shadowed strings that are MUCH easier to read
  Added background tile option for maps
  Added map overview feature for maps
  Made enemies appear on radar when they fire
  Added animated feet for the players
  Implemented hit/damage indicators (useful in multiplayer)
  Added muzzle flash
  Added reload animations
  Slightly updated gun graphics
  Improved score screen with mutliple mages so you can see everyone
  Added camera shake during explosions
  Removed HE grenade damage through walls
  Improved collision detection system (no more glitching and bullets going through walls)
  Updated bullet graphics
  Implemented a more convenient selection method for team select and buy menus
  Updated the default guns.txt (knife and HE grenade damage increased)
  Made nade still go off if you die while throwing it
  Implemented team chat
  Moved reloading bar and changed throwing grenade bar
  Changed initial loading bar style
  Implemented customizable player icons in multiplayer
  Added player profile to player info screen
  Added a lock to nearest player feature for freelook
  Implemented view angle value for guns (sniper rifles have it on by default)
  Made player names display over teammates (and everyone when in spectator)
  Updated secondary animations (hands are together now)
  Implemented ability to disable ratios
  Fixed bug where terrorists win when there are 0 people left (regardless of who dies)
  Added "_ killed you" and "you killed _" message to the HUD
  Implemented a change team option in the in-game pause menu
  Fixed a freezing bug in the spectating code
  Fixed a mistake in the credits
  Added a new map (cs_italy by Doublehawk)
  Removed "quit game" option


   The online portion of this version currently only works on custom firmwares (3.xx, etc). To install, copy the CSPSP folder either to your PSP/GAME folder (not PSP/GAME150), or your PSP/GAMEXXX folder, where XXX is your firmware version.

  NOTE: CSPSP now accesses the flash of your psp. It only reads (doesn't write), so it should be fine, but here's a warning nonetheless.

Download and more; Click here..

If too good to be true i think I'm gona cry,must be strong...
wait, CounterStrike?
Yes, counterstrike in 2D. Based on CS2D for windows.
NICK^^ Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, counterstrike in 2D. Based on CS2D for windows.

Wow awesome, I'll have to check this out. Thanks Nick.
wow,i love it...
oh finally i have a reason to update from 1.4
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