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Okay, two questions:

1) Did anyone else here love the buggery out of these "if x, turn to page y" stories when they were kids, or still do?

2) Would you participate in one, here at EP, if I (or someone else) wrote one up? It would probably be a collective choice thing, with whoever posted a response first making the choice on behalf of the players. (So, situation Z is presented, and people choose option A or option B, as applicable)
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]1) Did anyone else here love the buggery out of these "if x, turn to page y" stories when they were kids, or still do?
/puts hand up.
Though, I was rather young when I played most of them (mostly the Fighting Fantasy series) and I tended to have heaps and heaps of bookmarks so I could see the situation with every decision.

Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]2) Would you participate in one, here at EP, if I (or someone else) wrote one up? It would probably be a collective choice thing, with whoever posted a response first making the choice on behalf of the players. (So, situation Z is presented, and people choose option A or option B, as applicable)
I would if I got the time and maybe depending on the amount of text.
I did one a very long time ago, though it's not like one of those books, rather more of a visual novel type thing.  If you're interested: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...503&page=1
Probably a good idea to start another one ;P
I used to do all the goosebumps ones as a kid....were awesome, so guilty as charged i guess :D, so yeah, id take a peek if there was one available
Yup Goosebumps is where i read that type of book. I loved the TV show. Too bad all they show is cartoons nowadays my lil bro is missing out. :(
Incadude Wrote: [ -> ]Yup Goosebumps is where i read that type of book. I loved the TV show. Too bad all they show is cartoons nowadays my lil bro is missing out. :(


i think i read one with indiana jones in it, man isn't that a weird premise for the book xD.

and before you ask, no, you aren't indiana jones; you're some 12 year old kid that befriends him. Bummer.
Incadude Wrote: [ -> ]Yup Goosebumps is where i read that type of book. I loved the TV show. Too bad all they show is cartoons nowadays my lil bro is missing out. :(

same Goosebumps was awesome, i used to read so many of those books when i wa young still have them all too. TV show was great as well, it had this kid jumping.
Incadude Wrote: [ -> ]Yup Goosebumps is where i read that type of book. I loved the TV show. Too bad all they show is cartoons nowadays my lil bro is missing out. :(

Same here, i even go and read them again from time to time.
my teacher in grade school was advised us to read the Choose your own adventure stories, ive remembered there are lots of these in our local bookstore, ive owned a choose your own adventure with the alien encounter story, the book style is like more of a text rpg which you will choose what path is good for you, nice alternative for old days who does not own a gameboy
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