Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I now have a big reason...
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^ hope you don't lose it.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]^ hope you don't lose it.

never even come close :D
I have a brother I don't like, would his brain be ok?^^'

As for what Proper posted, I 100% agree.
Before my iPhone I always had a MP3 player and a separate phone. Often I forgot one of these two or I forgot to charge one. The iPhone 3G was great because now I had my entire mobile needs in one device.

And as odd as it may sound, being able to get/make phone calls is actually on the bottom of my "must be able to do mobile" list Hihi
I need h/w keyboard, but I heard iphone touch keyboard has gotten better~!...

Also agree with propa's toast.
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]^ hope you don't lose it.

never even come close :D

I've lost 3 of the 5 phones I've owned =_=
All i use my iphone for is internet and phone calling, it's too much of a hassle to have the thing disabled and you're unable to call anyone just because you were using it to watch a video. The iphone does make sense when wee're talking about form factor and a get-go usage, but when i found out the ipad would also run it i went bleh and got a tablet netbook.

Seriously though, buying apple products is a spoon investment, they literally HOLD THEIR TECHNOLOGIES BACK and release it at a slow pace so they can TAKE YOUR MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$. Seriously! No flash (like, camera flash)? Durr, either apple is just stupid or they were waiting for a proper moment to finally add that. For people who are so "revolutionary" to the phone market, they sure are stupid when it comes to having spoon that is important
i bought an ipod touch 2g and no music has gotten on it so far, i use it for web , mail, and apps like ebuddy, Twitter, Pixiv, etcc etc. so i don't have to go to my room everytime i need to tweet something.

some games on it are also a big plus.
Comparison is a bit flawed in a number of ways though:
- you can't compare with separate devices
- you need to price at the margin (marginal cost)
- you need to consider timing as well as opportunity costs

I'm not trying to imply anyone's decision is bad - it might've been the best after all.
I'm just pointing out flaws in reasoning, which isn't exactly something I'd expect (or even recommend) everyone to do before each purchase anyway (I don't deny splurging myself).
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