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Full Version: Released: Custom Firmware 5.00 TZS-6
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Quote:The developers The Z and Sawaz present a new “Custom Firmware” called 5,00 TZS-6 that allow us “to emulate” the new developments of official firmware 6.31 in 5.00 M33, although at the moment is only compatible with PSP Slim.

[Image: snap003m.png]

- Icons of 6.31, like SensMe, Extras, Digitalis Comics… etc
- The waves of PSPGo
- PSNLover to enter to the Store integrated in the Flash0
- Plugin m33_620 integrated in flash0 for compatibility with the new games
- Name change of Update of network to Update of Software.
- Support of Go-Cam XMB and GAME
- Recovery Menu 5,00 m33-7
- New name: 5,00 TZS-6 (The Z Sawaz)

[Image: snap001uo.png]
[Image: snap002g.png]

1. - Must have 5.00 M33-6
2. - Connected to the network and sufficient battery 80% of battery
3. - Decompressed firmware and Copy it to root ms0/PSP/Game
4. - Create a folder called kd620 in the root of the memory card , if you already created, perfect, no need to create it,wee copy the file usbcam and usbmic.prx, that can be found in the same folder of the CFW.
5. - In the seplugins folder eliminate the archives psnlover.prx and m33_620.prx and their routes in vsh.txt and game.txt
6. - In the VSH/XMB wee executed the 5.00 TZS-6
7. - Install the Custom Firmware
8. - Wee entered the Recovery menu -» Configuration -» Fake region: Korea
9. - Wee activated version.txt and wee go to Hacks of the registry and changed to accept to X and and no to O
10. - ENJOY your new CFw 5.00/6.31

NOTE: At the moment it is only compatible in PSP Slim

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?mlcolmg18iz98ak

source: pspweber

My friend says its true, though a bit laggy, save data may corrupt, plugins might won't work, no ctf support for this, might try it later Knock-knock
:3 good thing I have a slim...unfortunately as stated above lots of things don't work so I won't install it yet... also they need to learn how to move the 'extras" icon to between the "setting" icon and the "photo" icon....
Wait. Is the Digital Comics app ready ? Bring it on !

Basically you can do all of the above on a stock 5.00 M33-6. I don't know if they were right to call it something else...

Edit: But I guess that's the way things go. Same happened with 5.50 Prometheus (which is basically 5.50 GEN-D3) or Linux Mint (which is basically Ubuntu).
What´s the point for "Digitalis Comics" icon if it the comics reader doesn't work? Still dual booting.
Dual booting for what ? "Digital Comics" (not Digitalis, lol, typo in the features) is overrated. I heard some people were dual booting for SensMe but come on... Playing music from the XMB (from Music) and having Hold+ installed is much better. You get 10-11 hours of continuous play. SensMe is more of a gimmick really.
Some of us actually buy something from Sony.
im on GEN enough said
Nah, I'll pass, It's great the PSP scene is reviving, but I'll stick with 5.50Gen B2 cause literally that's the last CFW to have an IRshell patch =P
Too bad I have a fat, but I don't think I'm really missing out on anything.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Too bad I have a fat, but I don't think I'm really missing out on anything.

yeah wee don't really missed a lot since they only added icons for sensme and comic reader, but i can run them now in 5.00m33-6 for sensme and viewing cbr format comics in PSPcomics, so yeah still waiting for its update
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