12/08/2010, 09:49 PM
Quote:The developers The Z and Sawaz present a new “Custom Firmware” called 5,00 TZS-6 that allow us “to emulate” the new developments of official firmware 6.31 in 5.00 M33, although at the moment is only compatible with PSP Slim.
- Icons of 6.31, like SensMe, Extras, Digitalis Comics… etc
- The waves of PSPGo
- PSNLover to enter to the Store integrated in the Flash0
- Plugin m33_620 integrated in flash0 for compatibility with the new games
- Name change of Update of network to Update of Software.
- Support of Go-Cam XMB and GAME
- Recovery Menu 5,00 m33-7
- New name: 5,00 TZS-6 (The Z Sawaz)
1. - Must have 5.00 M33-6
2. - Connected to the network and sufficient battery 80% of battery
3. - Decompressed firmware and Copy it to root ms0/PSP/Game
4. - Create a folder called kd620 in the root of the memory card , if you already created, perfect, no need to create it,wee copy the file usbcam and usbmic.prx, that can be found in the same folder of the CFW.
5. - In the seplugins folder eliminate the archives psnlover.prx and m33_620.prx and their routes in vsh.txt and game.txt
6. - In the VSH/XMB wee executed the 5.00 TZS-6
7. - Install the Custom Firmware
8. - Wee entered the Recovery menu -» Configuration -» Fake region: Korea
9. - Wee activated version.txt and wee go to Hacks of the registry and changed to accept to X and and no to O
10. - ENJOY your new CFw 5.00/6.31
NOTE: At the moment it is only compatible in PSP Slim
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?mlcolmg18iz98ak
source: pspweber
My friend says its true, though a bit laggy, save data may corrupt, plugins might won't work, no ctf support for this, might try it later