but hirmfaxi also created new keys for running new games ;)
Lol he could name it to 5.00 m33-6 sensme patch.
And not Custom Firmware 5.00 TZS-6.
Lol a hex edited vshctr.prx and the rcos with the vshmain.prx.
Lol once more. xD
Yep,little hex edited poo poo..
@mods : trash that thread
Not quite a new cfw - but more of a add on package for M33.
None the less - it's good to at least see people active..
xXShadowCobraXx Wrote: [ -> ]I'll stick with 5.50Gen B2 cause literally that's the last CFW to have an IRshell patch =P
One of the main reasons I stick with M33 is because that is the
only cfw that IR Shell supports multi-tasking on. (Only on PSP Slim)
it looks ok(very buggy)but i think I'll just stick with GEN-D3[i don't really use my psp for gaming to much other than the bleach games from Jap, and psx games] I'll wait for when a better version to comes out.
M33-6 + M33-7 Recovery + ISO Tool + PSNKiller for the win =)
Hmm 5.50 GEN-D4 Or 5.50 Prometheus >> M33-7 recovery menu >> Hex Editor ... ... My Awesome PSP Slim with the body of a 3k
M33-7 recovery menu on 5.50 GEN ? Ha !
yep.. for some reason my UVSH has been acting wierd.. when i reboot my PSP and Hold R it would bring me to the GEN recovery menu. But when i would access the Recovery Menu through the UVSH it would be the M33 recovery menu...