Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The 3rd Birthday: New Images and Videos
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New images and videos from the Parasite Eve series.
[Image: the-3rd-birthday-20100811115808147_640w.jpg]
[Image: the-3rd-birthday-screens-20100701093314292_640w.jpg]
[Image: the-3rd-birthday-screens-20100701093320276_640w.jpg]

more images you can find here.
spoon that looks great.

first screen shots of it I've seen.
OMG that is amazing for PSp! D:
Wow, that's looks perfect
that second pic is pretty clear.
Lol i can't belive it that this is for psp.
It has very good graphics for psp game.
jesus that looks amazing....
wow what an awesome looking game for PSP. started to remind me a bit of resident evil one of my favorite games which I don't really know why they don't release for PSP
By the way when is this game going to be released?
The release date is not announced

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