11/08/2010, 04:20 AM
Pages: 1 2
11/08/2010, 06:43 PM
where are the"se" releases available from? I looked on irshell.org and the most recent version I saw was 5.00, which is the version I have now. also, wasn't irshell.org down for a while?
15/08/2010, 01:06 PM
OMFG here's more good news for all you IRshell lovers.
Quote from: F34R
"This will be released sometime this week."

Quote from: F34R
"This will be released sometime this week."

15/08/2010, 08:22 PM
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]It was late like 2o'k latedoug Wrote: [ -> ]I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT I Won't IT did i say I Won't IT
Where is grammar ninja??
15/08/2010, 09:24 PM
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]OMFG here's more good news for all you IRshell lovers.
Quote from: F34R
"This will be released sometime this week."
This is very exciting news !!

16/08/2010, 10:59 PM
bluewave Wrote: [ -> ]Just visited his private forum and in fact he recently updated it to 511se :) Completed missed that.
PHP Code:
AhMan: Posted: Jul 28 2010, 11:54 AM changelog: This release is the same as iR Shell 5.10se, with the exception of the following bug fix: - IR remote was broken in 5.10se, it's now fixed.
Bluewave: could you upload this 5.10se IR Shell please ?
Pages: 1 2