Endless Paradigm

Full Version: From when I nearly lost my mind
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Pages: 1 2
I always heard that watching Alice in Wonderland on shrooms is like.. the most cliche thing ever. Always make sure you have someone you trust with you if you try anything "hard hitting". <3 ya Shady!
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]someone please tell me double you tee eff are shroom's!! Hihi

vid looked very normal to me,.. Hmmm except for the guy who really wanted to go to the bong-room,. poor guy,..

mushrooms the hallucinogen.

Hellgiver Wrote: [ -> ]I always heard that watching Alice in Wonderland on shrooms is like.. the most cliche thing ever. Always make sure you have someone you trust with you if you try anything "hard hitting". <3 ya Shady!

Ive seen it on shrooms, and its awesome. But id have to say watching it on xtc was wayyyy better!
the movie to watch on shrooms is fear and loathing in las vegas, now that's a  mind fudge.

Awww <3 ya too :D
Pages: 1 2
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