imwolfuk Wrote: [ -> ]flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm,i hope someone creats a patch to enable tv category.
made a work around for phat,
puts "Digital Comics" in Game category.
Cool - thanks,gonna try it out.
Question : How you did that : digital comics with icon via game category ?
with xmbmc right ?
imwolfuk Wrote: [ -> ]flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm,i hope someone creats a patch to enable tv category.
made a work around for phat,
puts "Digital Comics" in Game category.
So you have gottin Digital Comics working from XMB on cfw ?
Yep,but for me isn't working when I'm trying to launch comics my psp restarts ;(;)
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]Yep,but for me isn't working when I'm trying to launch comics my psp restarts ;(;)
Has anyone actually confirmed it working?
And can you have digital comics and sensMe working on xmb in cfw at the same time now ??
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]<yes,here's a screeen :
Nice !
Where can I download the files to do this?
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]Question : How you did that : digital comics with icon via game category ?
with xmbmc right ?
i hexed locationfreeplayer from network to game category,
changed the icon in topmenu_icon.rco,
replaced lftv_plugin.prx with an EBOOT loader,
hexed the loader to goto "ms0:/PSP/APP/NPEG00012/EBOOT.PBP"
will update my attachment to include the HBK bookmarks if you want them?
will update my attachment to include the HBK bookmarks if you want them?
upload HBK bookmarks