Endless Paradigm

Full Version: First UFC Undisputed 2010 Screens Released
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[Image: ufc1.jpg]

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[Image: ufc3.jpg]
[Image: 981320_20100805_790screen003.jpg]
[Image: 981320_20100805_790screen005.jpg]

UFC Undisputed 2010 is on track for it's September 7th release.
THQ have stated that UFC Undisputed 2010 for PSP will have:

Quote:"all the action, intensity and prestige of the Ultimate Fighting Championship with intelligent and intuitive combat, fighter customization, robust career progression, challenging gameplay modes and explosive ad-hoc wireless play."

The screen shots look better than I had envisioned them.
Let's hope that the PSP version plays as well as it's console big brother versions.

news sources: QJ and Gamespot
Nice the graphics look good...... Can't wait for this and God of war.Yay
looks great for PSP o.O
Sure hope they didn't lame out and post a screen shot of an ingame video :(

Might have to dust off the psp and try this when it comes out :)
looks very cool,hope the game will be cool :=)
can't wait to play it
I hope Shaquille O'neal is also in this PSP version just like in PS3 version.
Game footage released:

for psp that looks mighty fine.
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