Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Freerider 2
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I have a pretty substantial addiction to this game: http://trackmill.com/free-rider-2

It's kind of like line rider but you ride the tracks as well.

This is one of my favorite tracks, beat my time and get a cookie (I am Tim B. on the high scores): http://trackmill.com/free-rider-2/Tracks/923656
Hey, I know you!

Thanks for the welcome :) Do I know you? :P lol, it took me a minute to work out how to read your post xD
Sup? Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the welcome :) Do I know you? :P lol, it took me a minute to work out how to read your post xD
sorry to get off topic:
I like your avatar but recently I have been receiving this instead of American speaking friends. I guess facebook is catching on to our obsessions...

vv proof vv
IE for the loss in that reguard. FF and Chrome do not show the symbols.
HellDX Wrote: [ -> ]I guess facebook is catching on to our obsessions...
They probably log the HTTP referrer when you visit facebook :p

I swear my DP a legit print screen from by FB as well, I didn't use facebook for a long time and they built up :P

Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]IE for the loss in that reguard. FF and Chrome do not show the symbols.

Chrome shows the symbols for me, you mean like the Webdings right?
hey. HellDX theres no such thing as American as a Spoken lang. theres only English

ok its FF that doesn't.
i think i know you from pspower, unless that's a different sup
which it could be
Yep, different person :p I don't actually own a PSP. If anyone is a member on the MyBB community forums you will know me there as Tim B.
Free Rider is fun, i used to play its loads :p
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