Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PortableVNC v1.2.4
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ZX-81 has updated PortableVNC v1.2.4 with conveniently features IR keyboard support. This release is only compatible with 3.XX OE firmwares. Now easier than ever access & control your PC anywhere (with a WiFi spot) with Portable VNC.

[Image: pspvnc-v1.2.jpg]
The IR keyboard support is based on the work of Harald Fielker (author of the PSP IR Keyboard Library), and the Virtual keyboard is based on the Danzel code.

    PSPVNC has been written by NHD from TeamXos, and it
WOW cool im gonna try it ;)
tell us how you like it.
Hehe, this program is great. My sister was using the PC and i could see everything she did. Then I started to move the mouse and she got scared :P
Were you in the same house when you did that?
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