Endless Paradigm

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Right. I'm trying to connect my laptop/Doovde player/TV tuner to my projector. Laptop sounds easy but the VGA cable I got with the projector is screwed and I don't have another for a couple of days. It uses an M1 connector on the projector side making them hard to get hold of cheaply.

Anyway, my laptop/Doovde player/TV tuner all have S-Video outputs and the projecotr has an S-Video input. So, to eBay I went and purchased a 5m S-Video lead for £1.89. Of course, pay cheap get cheap. But I've never had problems with cheap leads in the past. Copper's copper. Except the wiring in this lead is made from steel because it's so cheap. Of course, it didn;t say Ithat in the listing. i found that out afert I picked the lead up off the floor with a hard drive magnet stuck to it.

If I connect the projector to a source a picture is displayed but there are two big bands of interference across the screen that creep slowly up and down. What I want to know is would a higher quality lead fix this or is it a problem with the projector or sources? I've tried what I suggested to Zinga about positioning cables but the interference doesn't thange at all wherever I put it.

I've sent a message to the eBay seller saying his lead is faulty in the hope of getting a refund. Last time I asked for a refund on eBay the seller bumped me around departments until the 45 day limit was up then stopped replying to messages. Yes, the seller was in China.

So, should I buy a better lead or is it something else?

Steel isn't magnetic. In fact the only metals that are magnetic are iron cobalt or nickel....

as far as those lines running up and down the tv... it sounds like an interlace problem....
are you sure it isn't the projector? Oo

I imagine lots of resistance on the cable could affect the rate at which the projector is able to draw an image... but I can't possibly imagine any delay like that being perceptible by humans
The interference happens on my little CRT TV as well but not on the LCD TV wee have downstairs. I've been offered a refund by the seller (This one is UK based) so that's what I shall do. I'll return this one and buy a better one.

I need it quick though. I'm meant to be entertaining guests at a Barbecue on Sunday. The projector sure will come in handy. If it works...
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]Steel isn't magnetic. In fact the only metals that are magnetic are iron cobalt or nickel....

steel just happens to contain iron....
hey steel is. double you tee eff slushba.

why do you say differently?
Syfe Wrote: [ -> ]hey steel is. double you tee eff slushba.

why do you say differently?

Lmao, slushie...

Also, theoretically everything is magnetic, but only metals are the ones that are easily affected.
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