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Yes well aware of the seriousness on the subject of Sexually Assaulted Children not being even a tiny bit hilarious. Everyone feels the same about the matter and it's prescence is known in every corner of the world. Pedophillia is not a choice nor should anyones moral values stoop this low. I'm not going to apologize for this, for one, no one should ever brush the severity of this issue to the side and bury this like it never happens... anywhere. That's no help, to noone. Keep in mind that their are countries out there who encourage this (lack of a better word) practice. Even though I'm going to be showing images of a well known character in this post, don't come at me with your comments go after the millions people whos conscience actually inspired the creation of this PedoBear. I just want people to ,at least, have this thought in the back of their mind every single day.

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It's just an idea, so far. I put together a rough background, now I honestly cannot
come to a conclusion on if I should pursue this.. or scrap it.
I'm kinda bouncing back and forth on 2 other base designs, besides this one.
Yes I know it's somewhat lacking a professional's touch, but hey maybe down the line once I finish a few themes, hex editing, Zinga's rcoMage, et cetera, maybe I will develop a talent for this and become
a novice lulz[Image: pedobear.gif].
(still lacking)
So here goes my first idea. Don't be too harsh now, but honesty is always welcomed.
effin plain man.

[Image: l_80b3cae67f2343b29890738e96d71531.jpg]
Not finished, but the background seems too dynamic.

Then tweek this next pix and integrate it as the loading screen?
[Image: l_c7d6330466d9447395137000a0d41a6a.jpg]
So ¿Yay - Nay?

He will never stop.

[Image: l_a7e385217ab14323a448feead0940b25.jpg]
by the way that's Joanne Casey's daughter. Dentist turned PeaceCore now in North Afirca.
phew, no one here know my real name.

I trolled you good. :P
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]phew, no one here know my real name.

i know your real name <.<
really i do, remember?
Incadude Wrote: [ -> ]LMFAO!!!

I trolled you good. :P

Yeap. I just grouped you with all the other sensitive ppl
out there who ,me and others previous, offended.
3rd troll, no flames, except from ppl who were highly displeased, truly hurt
about the publicity of said bear.

So.... you nvr gave any input on it, c'mon.
Any thoughts? Alterations? Revisions?
I know I probably have to change the chibi. I just realized it's Zinga haha.
Purely coincidental.
i don't think it's a bad idea, but you need more materials for it to be a full theme
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]i don't think it's a bad idea, but you need more materials for it to be a full theme

Well I have most of the icons already being processed.
Main Icons are going to be 7 full faces of PedoBear.
Subicons.. I still have a lot of different expressions to look for/make.
Sounds= Check
Position of battery and time/date= unknown
Busy Icon= no idea yet
animations?= nope
Battery icon=maybe
Battery icon is just going to be a blank pedobear head with different facial expressions to indicate battery life.
[Image: l_cab87a171aae468a983f1e1364bc82a9.jpg]
somewhere along the lines of these. But no tellin' how it will turn out.
[Image: moar-6807-1244228076-17.jpg]?
Not bad. Will be waiting when it goes live/
:D I want this.
Aspheric Wrote: [ -> ]:D I want this.

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