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the info is there, not sure as to functionality on other units.

just visit the website http://jailbreakme.com/ and bam it'll JB for you :D
    * iPod 1G on 3.1.2
    * iPod 1G on 3.1.3
    * iPod 2G on 3.1.2
    * iPod 2G on 3.1.3
    * iPod 2G on 4.0
    * iPod 3G on 3.1.2
    * iPod 3G on 3.1.3
    * iPod 3G on 4.0
    * iPad on 3.2
    * iPad on 3.2.1
    * iPhone 3G on 3.1.2
    * iPhone 3G on 3.1.3
    * iPhone 3G on 4.0
    * iPhone 3G on 4.0.1
    * iPhone 3G[S] on 3.1.2
    * iPhone 3G[S] on 3.1.3
    * iPhone 3G[S] on 4.0
    * iPhone 3G[S] on 4.0.1
    * iPhone 4 on 4.0
    * iPhone 4 on 4.0.1

Just jailbroke my iphone 4 and 3gs.
jailbreaking my iPhone 4 as soon as it arrives now :D
Works great!  only problem is sometimes facetime is gone and MMS sending is fail :-/ Fixes are coming :)
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]Works great!  only problem is sometimes facetime is gone and MMS sending is fail :-/ Fixes are coming :)

chmod 0755 /var/mobile && chmod 0755 /var/mobile/Library && chmod 0755 /var/mobile/Library/Preferences

running that via terminal or ssh terminal fixes the MMS and Facetime buggeroo on iPhone4 :)
Cool right on time
I get mine tommrow,
spoon's crazy! I saw SchmilK post that jailbreak site, and I thought it was a joke.

I bet Apple's crying right now. ;D
its nothing new
I remebering jailbreaking an orignal iphone 2g with a website simlar, back in the day,
for reals? How'd they get away with that?
they didnt, the site was taken down originally.

but now because of the new court rulings about content restriction and stuff jailbreaking is legal in the US. So Apple can't take it down even if they wanted to now.
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