Endless Paradigm

Full Version: When talking on the phone...
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Pages: 1 2
I haven't experienced anyone who's done it to me.
By the way...Sucking at breathing ≈ snoring when awake....

Ugh I hate it ... And it's nit the same as in game chat, similar but unless you are playing with a bunch of people with emphysema or the likes, not ad bad.
Ekusoshisuto Wrote: [ -> ]Haha I usually tend to do that on purpose to annoy people :P

Madwin Not the only one
Lectures are probably worse.  You're stuck in a room listening to 2 hours of it... Erk

Fortunately, most lecturers are fairly good and don't suck so much at using the mic, or when they do, then often fail to speak into it.
*Breaths Heavily...
Pages: 1 2
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