Just post what your doing using the /me command
* |-Anubis-| is just cruising forums.
Im trying to think of something smart to say.i post heaps but still have no Randomness :(
/Assassinator is tryting to revise for a VERY hard maths test comming up. (And also law and economics tests)
* ben3gfc is studying for his exams this week, and making a cheat-shit for his Maths one
* |-Anubis-| shames ben3gfc for cheating
* |-Anubis-| is really bored
* |-Anubis-| should install XP but is too lazy
ben3gfc Wrote:* ben3gfc is studying for his exams this week, and making a cheat-shit for his Maths one
For my bloody exam, if i were to type the cheat shit in a font of 10, and fit every single formula on it, with no gaps and stuff on the paper, it would take about 2 pages. :( Not that I'm not going to write a cheat shit.
Edit: Removed all my bitchings about the test.
* ZiNgA BuRgA is staring blankly at the Quick Reply box as if the thing would come alive and... just sit there and do absolutely nothing... because it's just a white box after all, isn't it?
/me is sittin here with a damn maths workbook, quickly turnin off the screen wen someone comez in the room.. he is ALSO devisin a plan of how he cheat in the physics exam by riting the formulas on the back of his big rubber :D
* ZiNgA BuRgA thinks writing Physics formals on the back of a rubber would be major lulz.
/me has done it before in his previos physics mock exam :D