Endless Paradigm

Full Version: FINAL Mod Position VOTE
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Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]If it were possible, I would have voted for everyone; but as it has been said, there can only be one.

Same here.


Though I could always... ABUSE THE POWARRR
lol i wonder if anyone voted for themself in this bit

that would be lame
I see Syfe is falling behind.

* S7* starts booking flight departing from the void...
I'll vote for who onii-chan votes for.
it was me Flatterd
Wow - wee are all worthy of MOD status.
What can I say?  This is just an awesome site - with awesome members   :D

And no...  I didn't vote for myself in this last campaign, I voted for xitherun    ;)

Good luck all   :)
so far all the votes are legit, no one has voted for themselves.

boogs - 7
Mr. Shizzy - 6
Syfe - 5
Proper British - 5
./xitherun.sh - 3
lol Rukia's gone mad!
did't know rukia was v-chan,. Hihi

wanted to vote for ./xitherun.sh but i did't~!!!! Nana-o
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