Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Moderator Position VOTING Thread
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Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]sigh

i have made my decision, please forgive me people that i didnt vote for D:

my votes go to: Xitherun, boogs, Mr.Shizzy

Good Luck men

Ok added.

That puts Boogs and Syfe equal first again at 11.  Xith, PB and Shizzy coming close at second.

Way Too High Wrote: [ -> ]what the hell is up with all the pages?
[Image: hmm.jpg]

there isn't even 1 page of actually post(i have it set to 50 posts per page)

Doesn't happen here.

Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]http://zingaburga.com/assassinator/Image...esults.png


That's how much my vote is worth.  Whoever I vote for insta-wins.

Lets see if that holds true this time as well (lol, no chance).

Poll's closed.

I'll go count the scores now.
ultimate showdown? or is it over foreverrr?
Really close!

Boogschd wins at 11.

Syfe, Xith, Mr Shizzy and Propa all at 10.

I will post detailed results in a moment.
Ok, detailed results here...

... Portable Firefox at uni, so don't mind the other stuff

*Removed because of privacy reasons.  PM me if you really want to see.
I could've sworn Syfe, or someone else had 11 too...
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]I could've sworn Syfe, or someone else had 11 too...

He was... before the final count.
well damn, I was hoping for an ultimate showdown.

Well, congrats boooooogs!

* lembas pulls an Al Gore; "I demand over 9000 recounts"

No, there probably will be an ultimate showdown, since the votes are all pretty close and all.
Final mod voting is now open please everybody vote http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=24260

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