Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Unflashable PSP hit Netherlands!
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Retail chains in the Netherlands have sent all psp back to a Sony wharehouse and sent out a new batch of unflachable psp!
Poor game sales have lead to the action.Lets hope it is not going to be a globle thing might be time to get that white psp you always wanted as a back up.:p
Holy moly!  Not good!
everyone who wants a psp with still a slight chance of having homebrew (because i think the new ones have 3.10-3.40 official firmware which may be able to downgrade in the future), buy one now! before this thing goes world-wide :P
Sony is saying that this is just some crazy rumour, and what actually happened is that the recent price cuts have caused a supply shortage for some parts of that region.  I'm inclined to believe that this is just a rumour since the reported details have changed several times since I first heard it, and I don't think Netherlands would be the first place to receive units like that.
Peacefully Disturbed Wrote:Sony is saying that this is just some crazy rumour, and what actually happened is that the recent price cuts have caused a supply shortage for some parts of that region.  I'm inclined to believe that this is just a rumour since the reported details have changed several times since I first heard it, and I don't think Netherlands would be the first place to receive units like that.

true, the USA or Japan would be the first to have these, not the Netherlands :P
Hmm not sure bout that they are often first to try things just look at the hershey kisses and dope comming out of the place lol:)

Generally, unflashable = stupid as there's no upgradability.  Heck, even some basic MP3 players are flashable.
If the intention is to stop homebrew, this is really a "stupid" approach.  It's just like stopping people from hacking your computer, by disconnecting it from all networks.  Sure it works, but you do loose functionality (which is generally something you avoid).
Yea the rumors of unflashable PSPs were unfounded.


All psp's will be flashable.
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