Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Ghetto bluetooth headphone jack
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so i got this really cheap bluetooth ear set, and decided the speaker in it was poo poo.

it kinda looks like this but its a cheap china ripoff with a poorly translated manual.

[Image: cheap-bluetooth-headset.jpg]

any who, i cracked it open(i can't solder so i was funna tape the wire together n e ways) and attemped to feed in a headphonewire and connect it to the wires from the speaker... turns out the wires won't react cause they r 2 diff metals i think.

so i touched the bluetoothwires to the 3.5 jack and sound camethru, so i descided to make the bluetooth have a headphone jack so i could plug in headphones. i got really into and made a headphonejack from a bic pen peice and a good amount of purple ducktape.

NOW i know it sounds stupid as spoon, as most phones have a headphonejack n e ways. turns out mine don't have one so i was in luck to have this idea.

heres the pics

[Image: Photo0077.jpg]
[Image: Photo0079.jpg]
Ghetto mods For the win!!!
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