Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My weekend
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It was fun, actually spent sometime with the family, it was weird, havent done something so family oriented in soo long i kinda found it awkward.

But generally speaking it was fun. Dropped my phone and it started working again. That was a plus, and I went go karting and mini golfing and then some batting cages.

I  had fun.

and then when i got home my lappy no longer recognizes my sound card!!!!

double you tee eff i was just listening to music an hour ago and now this spoon happens!

Holy shirts man! Right before the release of starcraft 2 I must fix everything on my computer!!!

Im backing it up. And it is now 35% complete. Started 12+ hours ago. URGH!!!

Im going to revert to vista, download whatever stuffs and then go back to 7 hope it works!!

non the less im going to purchase starcraft 2 no matter what happens!
are you stupid

why revert to vista without even trying to fix it properly?

it's probably a driver problem
LumpiaWarrior Wrote: [ -> ]Dropped my phone and it started working again.
Yeah, with technology, you got to show it who's boss if you want it to work (until Terminator arrives, then you probably won't be able to do that).
you has a blog? when that happen?
New blog I guess

This is the first thread
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]are you stupid

why revert to vista without even trying to fix it properly?

it's probably a driver problem

actually i have been meaning to revert for sometime, since hp doesn't support clean installs and i have yet to have all my drivers installed, because i can't get them, that's why my lappy has been quite stupid as of late.

however i did fix the sound problem with a system restore
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