Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Does he have that really annoying spell thing that 1 shots all your canons in normal?
Yes, and he can cast it a few times in a row.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]I managed to get about 2400 kills (on hard, though I think the only difference between hard and normal is the amount of kills required) before getting wiped off the planet.
After 2000 kills it becomes difficult because weak stuff like zerglings hardly come any more, and you pretty much just get these hybrid things.
I found the main annoying thing to be the fact that they can sprout out within your defenses. I do wonder, what happens if you cover the whole place with buildings? Where would the Nydus worms come out of?
Just a warning to my EPers, SC2 is apparently having some problems with frying some people's graphics cards due to uncapped framerates, as well as bad cooling systems:
Quote:StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, the first game in Blizzard's highly anticipated real-time strategy sequel trilogy launched on Tuesday. Unfortunately, the blockbuster PC title -- which is expected to sell 10 million copies or more -- had some bumps during its launch.
There were a number of minor bugs, but nothing show stopping at first. Then the reports of melting GPUs hit.
Among those affected was Adam Biessener of Game Informer whose card melted while he was live blogging about his game experience. He bemoaned, "Three hours of cursing later, I'm posting this from my wife's laptop because both my graphics card and my work laptop appear to be fried."
The problem appears to be located in the main menu, where an uncapped frame rate maxes out the GPU, in some cases pushing it to overheating and potentially permanent failure.
Blizzard has issued a response on its support site, acknowledging that it was aware of the issue, and offering a quick fix. The company writes:
"Certain screens make your hardware work pretty hard
Screens that are light on detail may make your system overheat if cooling is overall insufficient. This is because the game has nothing to do so it is primarily just working on drawing the screen very quickly. A temporary workaround is to go to your Documents\StarCraft II Beta\variables.txt file and add these lines:
You may replace these numbers if you want to."
For eager customers who already lost a graphics card, though, that fix may prove too late. Blizzard has not announced any plans to replace the lost hardware of victims who experienced the bug.
Many customers are outraged at this. Writes one victim Lorsaire:
"Why was this not addressed already before release, and why were there no breaking news warnings or updates to fix this before people started having damage done to their hardware? My Nvidia GeForce cost me more than $300 to get a good card that was great for gaming... Blizzard are you doing anything or have plans to compensate people for the damage you've created?"
Of course some of the cards may be covered by manufacturer warranties. And while it does appear a bug (uncapped framerates) is partially to blame for killing off the cards, a card pushed to the max would generally not die instantly were it not for poorly engineered and/or defective cooling. It appears that the cards ultimately were done in by the double blow of both a software bug (in SC II) and hardware issues.
The game features intensely addictive multiplayer gaming between three diverse races -- the Zerg, the Protoss, and the Terrans. It also features a single player campaign in which you play a Terran rebel. Future titles -- Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void will included Protoss and Zerg campaigns, and possibly deliver new multiplayer features as well. Just beware the uncapped framerates.
Yeah, don't overclock, or buy cards which get insanely hot (like GTX480). :P
Anyway, thanks for the notice.
if that's the case should i what should i do?
Quote:A temporary workaround is to go to your Documents\StarCraft II Beta\variables.txt file and add these lines:
Just change "Starcraft II Beta" to "Starcraft II" path. Should be able to apply the temporary fix there.
..... i don't even have the game yet. I lost my target gift card

Hellgiver Wrote: [ -> ]...
a card pushed to the max would generally not die instantly were it not for poorly engineered and/or defective cooling.
If your card burns just because it was pushed to 100%, time to never use that manufacturer again.
Really, that's bad enginnering. Graphics cards should be tested so stuff like that doesn't happen.
Just to let everybody know a new SC2 patch came out with NO notes. Blizzard trying to save there asses about the melted graphics cards, to people who don't know about it? ;)
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]If your card burns just because it was pushed to 100%, time to never use that manufacturer again.
Really, that's bad enginnering. Graphics cards should be tested so stuff like that doesn't happen.
Should doesn't mean they are. It's why
power viruses exist.
In the end, it's the end user which loses out if this occurs...