Endless Paradigm

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Lord Vader cheering for the good knight at the renaissance fair joust match!
oh wow.
where is this Renaissance fair, and how often are they!? I love the Renaissance fair, and I want to go, and haven't been since I was a kid.

anyway, lol @ the picture.
Makes me think of a Robot Chicken skit.
:D go vader go!
lol cool !!
./xitherun.sh Wrote: [ -> ]where is this Renaissance fair, and how often are they!? I love the Renaissance fair, and I want to go, and haven't been since I was a kid.

anyway, lol @ the picture.

Bristol Wisconsin
Happens July and August

It's probably more fun than when a child due to alot od adult content that can be understood and appreciated *boob wenches and half necked gypsies*
lol @picture :P
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